SC 150

Source Cap­ture Air Puri­fier

Over­all dimen­sion : 14 3/​8″ x 27“x 11 1/​4″ (W x L x H)

Weight : 47 Lbs. (21.5 kgs.)

Max. power : 130 watts.

Area Cov­er­age : 1520

Speed Level : 1

Air vol­ume : 150 CFM.

It includes a source cap­ture hood that can extract con­t­a­m­i­nated air such as smoke, fume ‚VOC and small par­ti­cle through the fil­ters, then treated air will be release to the facil­ity. Source cap­ture hood can bend and adjusted as desired. Two suc­tion hoses or one suc­tion hose con­fig­u­ra­tions are avail­able.


  1. Rev­o­lu­tion­ary self-​supporting arm design.
  2. Com­pact size and portable.
  3. Dual arm con­fig­u­ra­tion standard.
  4. Sin­gle and dual arm interchangeable.
  5. Gen­eral cap­ture grill
  6. 150 CFM stan­dard low noise level.


Ser­vices & War­ranty

1-​year lim­ited war­ranty under nor­mal usage and rou­tine main­te­nance. Exclude con­sum­able parts.


Resource Spec­i­fi­ca­tion Sheet