</​> </​>

</​></​> </​>
</​></​></​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>

MT 1251 </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Indus­trial air puri­fier </​> </​>

</​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

Over­all dimen­sion : 24 1/​2″ x 32 3/4“x 14″ (W x L x H) </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Weight : MT 1251 HC120 Lbs. (55 kgs.) </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Max. power : 410 watts. </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Area Cov­er­age : 80100 m² </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Speed Level : 2 </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Air vol­ume : 1000 CFM. </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>

  1. Inte­gra­tion of VOCs (Volatile Organic Com­pounds) absorp­tion and dust col­lec­tion sys­tem in one machine.
  2. Gas absorbent in the unit can be cus­tomized accord­ing to dif­fer­ent gas contaminants.
  3. Pre-​filter is wash­able to extend ser­vice life of the main filter.
  4. Unit can be placed ver­ti­cally /​hor­i­zon­tally for spe­cific applications.

</​> </​> </​> </​>

</​></​></​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​></​> </​>
</​></​> </​>

Fea­tures </​> </​>

</​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

  1. Cen­ter mounted blower for opti­mum CFM
  2. 5001000 CFM standard
  3. Choice of filtration
  4. Side load, easy fil­ter access

</​> </​> </​> </​>

</​></​></​></​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

Tech­nol­ogy </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​></​></​></​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

Dimen­sions </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​></​> </​>
</​></​> </​>

Ser­vices & War­ranty </​> </​>

</​> </​>

1 year lim­ited war­ranty under nor­mal usage and rou­tine main­te­nance. Exclude con­sum­able parts. </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>

Down­load </​> </​>

</​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​> Resource </​></​></​> </​> Spec­i­fi­ca­tion Sheet </​></​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​></​></​>

</​> </​>

</​></​> </​>
</​></​></​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>

MT Mobile </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Mov­able Air Puri­fier. </​> </​>

</​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

Over­all dimen­sion : 23 3/​8″ x 14″ x 49″ (W x L x H) </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Weight : 196 Lbs. (89 kgs.) </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Max. power : 410 watts </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Area Cov­er­age : 80100 sq.m </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Speed Level : 3 </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Air vol­ume : 1000 CFM. </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>

  • Inte­gra­tion of VOCs (Volatile Organic Com­pounds) absorp­tion and dust col­lec­tion sys­tem in one machine.
  • Gas absorbent in the unit can be cus­tomized accord­ing to dif­fer­ent gas contaminants.
  • Pre-​filter is wash­able to extend ser­vice life of the main filter.
  • Unit can be placed ver­ti­cally /​hor­i­zon­tally for spe­cific applications.

</​> </​> </​> </​>

</​></​></​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​></​> </​>
</​></​> </​>

Fea­tures </​> </​>

</​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

  1. 7001000 CFM standard.
  2. Unique refill­able tray sys­tem for high media hold­ing capacity.
  3. Cus­tomiz­able fil­ter options.้
  4. Side load, easy fil­ter access.
  5. Mov­able design for flex­i­ble application

</​> </​> </​> </​>

</​></​></​></​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

Tech­nol­ogy </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​></​></​></​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

Dimen­sions </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​></​> </​>
</​></​> </​>

Ser­vices & War­ranty </​> </​>

</​> </​>

1-​year lim­ited war­ranty under nor­mal usage and rou­tine main­te­nance. Exclude con­sum­able parts. </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>

Down­load </​> </​>

</​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​> Resource </​></​></​> </​> Spec­i­fi­ca­tion Sheet </​></​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​></​></​>

</​> </​>

</​></​> </​>
</​></​></​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>

MT45 </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Indus­trial Air Puri­fier. </​> </​>

</​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

Over­all dimen­sion : 23 3/​8″ x 45“x 14″(W x L x H) </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Weight : 196 Lbs. (89 kgs.) </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Max. power : 410 watts </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Area Cov­er­age : 80100 m² </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Speed Level : 3 </​> </​>

</​> </​>

Air vol­ume : 1000 CFM. </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>

  1. Inte­gra­tion of VOCs (Volatile Organic Com­pounds) absorp­tion and dust col­lec­tion sys­tem in one machine.
  2. Gas absorbent in the unit can be cus­tomized accord­ing to dif­fer­ent gas contaminants.
  3. Pre-​filter is wash­able to extend ser­vice life of the main filter.
  4. Unit can be placed ver­ti­cally /​hor­i­zon­tally for spe­cific applications.

</​> </​> </​> </​>

</​></​></​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​></​> </​>
</​></​> </​>

Fea­tures </​> </​>

</​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

  1. End-​mounted blower cre­ates space for long fil­ters CFM
  2. 7001000 CFM (Max)
  3. MT45C for chem­i­cal fume and particulate
  4. MT45B for par­tic­u­late only
  5. Side load, easy fil­ter access

</​> </​> </​> </​>

</​></​></​></​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

Tech­nol­ogy </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​></​></​></​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​>

Dimen­sions </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​> </​> </​></​> </​></​> </​>
</​></​> </​>

Ser­vices & War­ranty </​> </​>

</​> </​>

1 year lim­ited war­ranty under nor­mal usage and rou­tine main­te­nance. Exclude con­sum­able parts. </​> </​>

</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​>

Down­load </​> </​>

</​> </​>
</​> </​>
</​> </​> Resource </​></​></​> </​> Spec­i­fi­ca­tion Sheet </​></​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​> </​>
</​> </​></​> </​> </​>
</​> </​></​></​>