AirSteril As350

Air Puri­fier

Air vol­ume : 20 CFM

Speed Level : 1

Area Cov­er­age : 2550

Power Con­sump­tion : — watts

Unit Weight : 2.05 Kgs.

Dimen­sions (mm) : 250 x 130 x 100

AirSteril AS 350 Air Puri­fier

Uses the prin­ci­ples of mol­e­c­u­lar nan­otech­nol­ogy (MNT). Inside the AS unit, Nano Tita­nium Diox­ide (TIO2) irra­di­ated with Ultra­vi­o­let Light pro­duces strong oxide agents called Hydroxyl Rad­i­cals and Super­ox­ide Ions. The plasma elim­i­nates air­borne path­o­genic and non-​pathogenic microor­gan­isms in veg­e­ta­tive and spore states.

Bac­te­ria, mold, fungi, viruses, dust mites, aller­gens, odors and harm­ful VOCs are all elim­i­nated by AirSteril purifi­ca­tion sys­tems